

剣道『 四・五段 』問題例

Ⅰ 知識・理論

1 「剣道指導者としての心構え」について述べなさい。

2 「剣道の理念」を実現するため、あなたは「どのような事を心がけて」いますか。

3 「心・気・力の一致」について説明しなさい。

Ⅱ 実 技

1 「引き立て稽古の目的」について説明し「元立ちの指導上の留意点」を述べなさい。

2 「打ち込み稽古と掛かり稽古」の相違点を説明しなさい。

Ⅲ 日本剣道形

1 「日本剣道形太刀3本目及び小太刀2本目での指導上の留意点」を


2 「日本剣道形修錬の必要性(効果)」について述べなさい。

Ⅳ 試 合

1 「審判員の心構え」について述べなさい。

剣道『 四・五段 』解答例

Ⅰ 知識・理論

1 「剣道指導者としての心構え」について述べなさい。

  1. 確固とした信念と情熱、愛情と誠意を持って指導する。
  2. 指導を受ける者の人格と個性を尊重しながら指導する。
  3. 自らの人格を養い、信頼される指導者となるように努力する。
  4. 指導を受ける者とともに修錬に励み、技能の向上に努める。
  5. 能率的、合理的な指導法の研究を心がけ、指導を受ける者が理解しやすい指導の方法を研究する。
  6. 指導を受ける者の健康や安全に留意する。

2 「剣道の理念」を実現するため、あなたは「どのような事を心がけて」いますか。

解答省略  但し下記の事項を参考として記載する。

2 「心・気・力の一致」について説明しなさい。


Ⅱ 実 技

1 「引き立て稽古の目的」について説明し「元立ちの指導上の留意点」を述べなさい。

【 指導上の留意点 】
  1. 修得した基本動作や応用動作を崩すことなく、充実した気勢で真剣に行わせる。
  2. 相手を恐れず侮らず、相手と対等な気持ちで行わせる。
  3. 立会いの「初太刀」を大事にし、一本一本に精魂を込めて打突させる。
  4. 間合いの取り方や攻め方、打突の機会の見つけ方や作り方、技の出し方などを工夫させる
  5. 相手をえり好みしないで、つとめて多くの人と稽古させる。

2 「打ち込み稽古と掛かり稽古」の相違点を説明しなさい。


Ⅲ 日本剣道形

1 「日本剣道形太刀3本目及び小太刀2本目での指導上の留意点」を



2 「日本剣道形修錬の必要性(効果)」について述べなさい。


Ⅳ 試 合

1 「審判員の心構え」について述べなさい。

【 一般的要件 】

  1. 公正無私であること。
  2. 剣道試合・審判規則、運営要領を熟知し、正しく運用できること。
  3. 剣理に精通していること。
  4. 審判技術に熟達していること。
  5. 健康体で、かつ活動的であること。

【 留意事項 】

  1. 服装を端正にすること。
  2. 姿勢・態度・所作などを厳正にすること。
  3. 言語が明晰であること。
  4. 数多くの審判を経験し、反省と研鑽に努めること。
  5. 良い審判を見て学ぶこと。

Kendo 4th & 5th - Dan Questions and Answers example

1.  What are the important points for a kendo teacher to consider?

     In Kendo training, teachers are in an important position. It is not too much to say that it is all up to teachers whether or not students develop their techniques and grow up mentally.

     In Kendo there are many cases where teachers and students practice with each other by making direct physical contact.

Therefore, teachers’ personalities and techniques have a great effect on students.

     The following is some basic knowledge that Kendo teachers are required to have.

      To teach with an ideological certain belief, passion, and sincerity

      To teach respecting students’ personalities and individualities

      To cultivate themselves and make efforts to be trusted

      To practice along with students and make efforts to improve their own skills

      To seek effective and rational teaching, and study teaching methods that are easy for students to understand

      To consider students’ health and safety



2 What do you keep in mind when you consider ‘the Concept of Kendo’ and how it applies to your life?

     The following contents are used as a reference.

     Candidates are advised to answer the question in terms of what they try to do in their kendo and daily lives in order to acquire meaning from kendo and cultivate their character.



3 Explain what ‘Shin-ki-ryoku-no-itchi’ means.

    Shin refers to the mind or calm part of one’s mindset, and it is the ability to intuitively sense the opponent’s condition and movements and to make judgements based upon that. Ki appears as an outward action based upon the judgement of the mind (shin) and is the dynamic part of one’s mindset. Ryoku refers to the action of the body or of a waza. Shin-ki-ryoku-no-itchi is the teaching that when one intuitively perceives a stimulus from the opponent, all three elements must be expressed instantaneously in the form of a waza.  



4 Explain the purpose of hikitate-keiko and describe what motodachi needs to keep in mind when teaching.

    Teachers and seniors act as motodachi and let students and juniors strike (without showing that this was done intentionally) so that they can experience the pleasure of success and can learn to recognize opportunities to strike.

     Focal points

      To let students attack with full spirit, without losing what they have learnt in basic and practical keiko.

      To help students not to be afraid of motodachi and have a more ‘even’ feeling with their opponent.

      Let them realize that shodachi is important and also let them make each strike with full spirit

      Let them consider maai, how to find and create opportunities, and what waza to use 

      Let them practice with many different motodachi without choosing only some particular teachers



5 Explain differences between ‘Uchikomi-geiko’ and ‘Kakari-geiko

    Uchikomi-geiko is a method of keiko in which one learns basic striking techniques by responding to striking chances provided by the motodachiKakari-geiko is a method of keiko in which one practices striking the motodachi in a short period of time with all one’s might, using all the waza one has learnt.



6 Itemize three important points of teaching Nippon Kendo Kata Tachi-no-Kata Sanbon-me and two important points of teaching Kodachi-no-Kata Nihon-me

Tachi-no-Kata Sanbon-me

 Teaching uchidachi not to have both hands go up but accurately deliver a horizontal tsuki to suigetsu (the solar plexus)

 Teaching shidachi not to thrust out the tip of bokuto after trusting back at the chest of uchidachi, but moving forward with kurai-zeme (closing in on the opponent without a waza but with their spirit).

 Teaching shidachi to move backwards matching the timing of uchidachi’s move after moving forward with kuraizeme and raising the kensen to the centre of uchidachi’s face.


Kodachi-no-Kata Nihon-me

 Teaching uchidachi to shift from wakigamae position to left jodan correctly in one action and not to cut diagonally but to cut straight down

 Teaching shidachi not to get too close to uchidachi when showing zanshin.


7 Describe the necessities and effects of training Nippon Kendo Kata.

    Nippon Kendo Kata was created by our predecessors with all their knowledge and developed to have historically significant contents relating to rational and mental aspects of kendo. It is of great significance, and it is also our mission to correctly inherit and pass it on to the next generation. By repeatedly practicing Nippon Kendo Kata, you can acquire the basic manners, techniques and rationalities of kendo. You can also learn the principles of kendo such as the inner workings of spirit and a sense of dignity. Thus, it is important to realise that Nippon Kendo Kata is the norm of kendo and train it on a daily basis.



8 What are important points to consider when acting as a referee.

General Requirements

 To be impartial

 To be able to correctly apply procedural rules for shiai and shinpan

 To be well versed in the principles of the sword

 To master shinpan skills

 To be healthy (sound body) and energetic


Points to note

 Dignified attire

 To be exact in posture, manner, and conduct

 To use clear language (speak clearly)

 To acquire as much shinpan experience as possible by diligently studying and reflecting

 To learn from example by watching good shinpan
